Javier González Anaya
javiergo at hmc.edu | CV (español)
I am an algebraic geometer studying the geometric and combinatorial structures arising from birational geometry and other fields such as the theory of polytopes and machine learning. I am currently a visiting assistant professor at Harvey Mudd College. Before this I was a visiting assistant professor at the University of California at Riverside between 2020 and 2023, right after I finished my PhD in June 2020.
I am organizing the session “Combinatorial insights into algebraic geometry” at the JMM 2024.
As a mathematics educator I was awarded UCR’s Outstanding VAP award for excellence in teaching for the academic years 2021 - 2022 and 2022 - 2023. I am currently directing an undergraduate thesis on moduli theory. Other mentoring experiences include two REUs about the combinatorial complexity of convolutional neural networks; three students involved gave several poster presentations at regional conferences.
I was born and raised in Mexico City, where I completed my undergraduate studies in physics and a master’s degree in mathematics. I have two last names and no middle name.