teaching and mentoring
My goal as an instructor and mentor is to help all students become more analytical and independent mathematical thinkers. By having an interactive lecture style and adhering to inclusive teaching principles, I create an environment where students feel compelled to engage with mathematical concepts. As a recognition of my work I won the 2021–2022 and 2022–2023 Outstanding VAP awards for excellence in teaching at UCR.
I have been the instructor of record for a wide variety of classes, ranging from linear algebra, multivariable calculus and ODEs, to courses in topology and number theory.
Below I expand a bit on my mentoring experiences. My CV has a detailed account of all the classes I have taught and my mentoring experiences.
Harvey Mudd College
At HMC I have had the pleasure of being a mentor for the clinic program, as well as a senior thesis advisor (check out our preprint!). Last summer I co-led an REU on the interactions of moduli theory and combinatorics with Dagan Karp.
University of California, Riverside
While at UCR I enjoyed mentoring several students. This included being a mentor for the NSF funded California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) Summer Scholars program, as well as leading and co-leading Summer REUs, advising students, etc.
University of British Columbia
As a graduate student at UBC I taught a calculus class with applications to STEM. I also participated in a semester-long class on best pedagogical practices for the mathematics classroom, as well as UBC’s Instructional Skills Workshop (an intensive weekend-long workshop aimed for graduate students who want to learn about current best practices and trends in mathematics education).